About Us
We're a group of solar industry veterans looking to bring high quality PV manufacturing back to the United States.

Company Background

ES Foundry is the only US-based pure play solar foundry that provides Domestic Content Bonus ITC compliant product solutions for US end customers. The company's manufacturing facility is located in South Carolina.

What we are best at

Our Team

A photo of a team hiking together from natalie pedigo on unsplash

Our founding members have accumulated experience of over 40GW+ of module sales and 30GW+ of manufacturing operation expansion.

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Made in the USA

Our high quality photovoltaic cells and modules are proudly made in the United States of America

Photo of America from Aaron Burden on unsplash
Photo of solar manufacturing

IRA Compliance

Solar projects containing our cells are eligible for IRA subsidies.

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Questions? Looking to collaborate? Send us a message by using our form.
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